翡翠琉璃太極 LIULI TAICHI in Emerald Color
Glowing with a dazzling beauty, the color of emerald symbolizes the revolving concepts of the Yin and Yang in Taichi—i.e., harmony versus discord, peace versus conflict, intensity versus calmness.In short, the emerald color represents the principles of Taichi. This piece of art shows us a magnificent scene of the supreme oriental attributes of dynamism, circularity, transformation and duality.
吉祥 如意 魅力
翡翠有「東方之寶」、「玉石之王」的美譽,是歷史上權傾一時或魅力非凡的女性人物爭相收藏的珍寶,常以吉祥如意、福壽富貴的方式呈現,早已是收藏幸運的象徵! 綠色翡翠價值不匪,亦是財富的代表,以翡翠色與太極行雲流水ㄧ段柔中帶鋼的動靜之美..自在圓融線條,綠色常青、貴人常在!
看影片 https://youtu.be/HoVzU98YXCU
Auspicious Wishful Charm
Jade is known and reputed as the “Oriental Treasure” or the “King of Jade”. It is a national treasure fascinated by many influential Chinese males and females for jade represents good fortune, power, status and wealth for centuries. Jade is also the love of gem collectors and many interior designers and decorators in Chinese history.
Emerald (or green) is a color that does not fade with time and space. Because it reveals an auspicious meaning of the constant and powerful helps given by people of a higher social standing. The series LIULI Taichi Emerald lights up its green color to symbolize a sequence of the flexible forms, flows and strengths of varied Taichi postures and movements. Taichi is indeed where the duality between immobility and mobility manifested by itself.Green jade is invaluable because it represents abundance of wealth. The beauty of the soft and medium-sized steel strips and the emerald color symbolize the interacting flows between Yin and Yang of Taichi.