元首級國賓禮 National gift
禪太極系列作品 [琉璃太極:百世經綸/舞動萬象] 獲選為國家元首級國賓禮,代表中華民國於APEC國際會議贈予國際世界級領袖!
This art work has been selected by the Taiwanese Government as the National Chief of State’s Guest Gift for the international heads of state. It was presented at the APEC International Conference in front of many world leaders and famous celebrities, leading to a fast-rising ranking among sculpture artists worldwide.

禪太極創辦人周龍修博士致贈黃金琉璃太極于G7領導人。G20二十國領導人 義大利前總理 馬泰奧。倫齊Matteo Renzi 總理
Granted to the former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, one of the leaders of the G7 and G20

禪太極系列作品 – 琉璃太極獲台灣女企業家協會評選為元首級貴賓禮!致贈前總統馬英九與前副總統吳敦義

禪太極之石太極前進總統府!太極石雕作品 – 舞動萬象頒贈于前副總統蕭萬長先生